General Terms and Conditions

Admission Requirements

Our programmes are open to anyone over 18 years of age. Specific conditions may be required, such as professional experience, prior qualifications, specific prerequisites, or personal or business projects related to certain specific training programmes. If such conditions apply, they will be explained in the relevant programme description.

Registration Process and Payment Terms

The registration request is made via the dedicated form. Upon receiving the request, HEC Liège Luxembourg sends an acknowledgment of receipt.
The training fees include certain teaching materials, room rental, the travel and accommodation costs for instructors.
If the registration request is accepted, the candidate will receive an email containing an admission letter and the applicable conditions for the requested programme for the current year.
An invoice will also be sent by HEC Liège Luxembourg.


The Client’s communications regarding the execution of any training registration must be sent in writing, either by email or by postal mail to HEC Liège Luxembourg at the following addresses:
By email: /
By post: HEC Liège Luxembourg, 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, L- 1615 Luxembourg.
Communications from HEC Liège Luxembourg to the Client are made by email, postal mail, or any other communication tool that allows for the written transmission of information.

Cancellation Period by the Participant

Participants wishing to withdraw must notify as soon as possible, at least 30 calendar days before the start of the programme.
After this withdrawal period, the full training fee is due by the person/company that submitted the registration request.

Programme Changes

In the interest of continuously improving its programmes, HEC Liège Luxembourg reserves the right to change instructors or make modifications to the programme. Those who have registered will be immediately informed, no later than 1 week before the start of the training.

Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Image Rights

The course materials made available to the Client within the training are the property of HEC Liège Luxembourg or the author. They may not be partially or fully reproduced without the explicit consent of HEC Liège Luxembourg and/or the author.
All texts, comments, works, illustrations, and images reproduced on these materials are protected by intellectual property rights. Any other use of these materials by the Client or learners, outside the purposes of the training, is subject to prior authorization from HEC Liège Luxembourg and/or the author, failing which court proceedings may be brought.
With a view to preserving the intellectual property rights and image rights of trainers and participants, Clients and learners are strictly forbidden to record or film training sessions, whether these take place on a face-to-face basis or remotely.
The client also commits to using the computer tools provided during the training responsibly, ethically, and in alignment with the training purpose. Any abusive use is strictly forbidden.
In the event of a breach of these terms, the HEC Liège Luxembourg reserves the right to take appropriate measures, which may include temporary or permanent suspension of access to the computer tools and/or access to the training, as well as any legal action necessary to redress the incurred damages.

Data Protection

The Client agrees to the processing of their personal data (or that of their employees registered for a training) for the purpose of fulfilling the contractual relationship with HEC Liège Luxembourg.
Where a corporate Client registers its employees for an HEC Liège Luxembourg training course, it warrants that it will take all necessary measures to inform those employees about the processing of their personal data and that it will have provided them, by no later than the time when it registers them for the training, with all information legally required in the case of a transfer of data to HEC Liège Luxembourg.
The subject of data protection is dealt with in a specific information note, accessible under the heading “Data Protection”, on HEC Liège Luxembourg ‘s website.

Attendance Certificate, Certification, and Education Leave Certificate

An attendance certificate is issued by HEC Liège Luxembourg to the participant or the company upon request, for example, in the context of obtaining education leave subsidies.
Some programmes provide access to a University Certification upon successful completion of exams. In such cases, participants will be personally invited by letter to receive their certificate either during a graduation ceremony or at an appointment at HEC Liège Luxembourg ‘s headquarters.